
These were inspired by an artist on YouTube who offered tutorials on her style.

I have been amazed at the generosity of artists and how willing they are to share their techniques, ideas and art knowledge.

I loved painting these and every time I see them I remember the joy of sharing.


Hi I am Nicki

By trade I am a hairdresser. Art has been a huge part of my life for many years and I am interested & passionate about it.

I have attended many inspiring art courses over the last 18 years. During the Covid lockdown I was able to indulge myself in this passion & have become really excited about the different styles & techniques that I have been able to use. It has released a new energy to my life.

I love working with acrylics & oils, creating texture and depth. I have put together a small collection of my work which are now available as prints.

Along with my interest in Kundalini yoga, exercise & love of people, I am feeling excited about the journey ahead & creating new collections to share.

10 + 2 =